If a Peace Corps volunteer chooses to resign from their position (as opposed to ending their service due to a medical condition or regional political situation), an assessment of the reason for this resignation is made by a supervising staff officer and collected via Form MS-284 Attachment D (“Resignation Form”).

Our FOIA request sought all database records collected through that form. At first, the Peace Corps sent a document with few details and all of the numbers redacted. The Data Liberation Project and co-requestor Corin Faife successfully appealed that initial response; upon granting the appeal, the agency provided a spreadsheet listing the number of resigned Peace Corps volunteers by post and resignation reasons through July 2023.

Each row in the spreadsheet indicates:

⚠️ Note: The Peace Corps says it cannot vouch for the accuracy of the data. Footnotes in the initial document provided by the agency say:

• Data on resignation reason is best guess from Peace Corps overseas staff.

• Data is not used for agency analysis, as it is deemed not trustworthy.

• Data is collected through “Attachment D” – which is currently being removed from Volunteer exit interview.

• Data collected from “Attachment D”(data that was requested) is currently in the process of being removed from database.

• Any analysis done on this data is not an accurate reflection of Volunteer resignation reasons.

And the appeal-granting letter notes, “I reiterate that Peace Corps has not confirmed the accuracy of the data in the database as described in the Footnotes of the original document.”

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